Golfasian - Asian Golf Holiday Experts in Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos & Myanmar

 Hi Mark and Yui,

Well I have finally recoverd from my flights home and thought I would drop you a line with my thoughts abot the trip .

The trip went perfectly smoothly. The drivers were on time and there were no delays in the pickups or meeting at the airport. The hotels were fine for my purposes. The Ambassador was jsut adequate but I understand the tower is going to be closed for renovation shortly. It was in a tourist location and I enjoyed the street traffic and all the commotion going on. My only question is how do all of the pushcarts, stalls, stores, vendors and anybody else out there, make a living? The Felix Resort was jsut lovely and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I am glad I went to see the Bridge. Karinthrip Vilage was fine and in a good location. Mark, you were right about staying there as opposed to being out of the town center. Angkor Hotel in Siem Reap was also fine. As long as the air conditioning and hot water worked I was happy. As for the golf, the choices we settled on were great. I would have been happier if I had played better, and I hadn’t broken the head off my driver, but the heat really affected me. By the last round I was hitting the ball and now I want to come back and try again I am glad I was able to play Alpine and Navatanee. They would be great courses anywhere. I was also happy that I substituted some sight seeing for golf. To travel all that way and not learn something of the countries I was visiting for the first time did not seem right. I really enjoyed the food. Chicken skewers on the street for 10 baht was an absolute bargain. I visited Chbinatown one night and had a delicious meal. I was trying to find a certain restaurant (Lek) but nobody knew where it was so I went to Scala. A special thanks to my main driver Kop. He was helpful at all times and took care of me at the golf courses and he was always on time and unfailingly polite. He made sure that they took care of me at Royal Rachaburi.. I appreciate all the time and effort he put in. Please thank him again for me. The only suggestion that I have would be for people coming from the US. I would suggest that the first day in Thailand not be a golf day. I think a day to get used to the climate would be useful. By and large, I had a great time. I rode the Skytrain, a tuk-tuk and a motorbike. I visited places that I had only read about and never thought that i would see. It all went well and I will only have positive memories of the trip. I would not hesitate to recommend your company to anyone going to Thailand to play golf. Please feel free to use any of what i have said in your advertising.


Neal Felsen , USA

Neal Felsen
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