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Thailand Golf Instruction Online - Top Putting Tips1. Make your Putter an extension of your arm

If your putting has become very inconsistent, and you feel your hands are getting to involved in the stroke, then the following tip will give you a far more consistent and repeating stroke, that will lead to more holed putts.

Holding the putter in your left hand, let the putter grip go through the centre of your hand, and rest again the base of your thumb.

Hold your putter so your fingertips of your left hand, press the grip into your lifeline, which is located at the base of your thumb. Remember though, this grip should be light without any real pressure. Now stand at address and swing your lead arm (left for a RH player and right for a LH player) back and forth, like a normal putting stroke. You should feel a distinct pendulum motion and a rocking of your left shoulder.

Complete your grip, making sure the putter is against your lifeline and your wrists are bowed forward so the shaft runs straight down from your forearm. There should be no wrist hinge in the stroke.

You should feel that the putter is part of your lead arm, not part of your hand. You will note that both of your arms for a triangle with your shoulders. For a consistent, repeating stroke, simply rock your shoulders keeping the triangle in place. With the ball placed slightly forward in your stance you will now stroke the ball on a slight upswing, resulting in the ball rolling down the target line with top spin. This will lead to much more consistent, and more holed putts!

2. Stop Moving!
One of the most common putting problems amongst many amateurs is body motion during the stroke, which leads to unwanted power and inconsistency. Most golfers have no idea they are moving their bodies on the backswing, the throughswing, or both.

When the putter goes back, the instinctive reaction of the head and upper body is to move forward; when the putter swings forward, the head and upper body rotate backward. This reaction may feel natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s good. In fact, it’s very destructive, as it affects the putter’s power and consistency through impact.

You must learn to keep your head still, but be careful. Your head sits on your spine, not your shoulders, but your shoulders do move. A good exercise is to go a practice green in the early morning or late afternoon, when shadows are long. Address a ball so the shadow of your head falls over a tee, or some other fixed object . Be sure you can see the shadow without lifting your head, then make normal strokes being sure to keep your head directly over the spot the entire time. Don’t worry about holing any putts, just make good strokes without moving your shadow.

On the course, you can lock in this feeling by imagining a point between your neck and sternum (breastbone), and keeping it fixed in one spot as you putt.

Remember, putting is about accuracy, precision, delicate feel, and touch – not about power. By keeping your head and body still, you’ll promote good feel and touch, and become a better, and more consistent putter.

3. Put the putter head in the hole
One of the best tips I can give for holing more of the 3 – 4 foot putts, that seem to cause more problems and fear in many golfers, is simply put the putter head in the hole!

The majority of these putts are missed by quitting on the putt, or decelerating through impact, leading to pushing or pulling the putt.

When making your stroke, try to follow through so you see the putter head going right through to the hole. By the time you see this from the angle you are standing at, the ball will be safely 6 inches below the ground! More Golf Tips:
Bunker Play | Power Tee | Practice to Create Habit | Solid Iron Play
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